
The Department of Media, Career Studies and Leadership Development is one of five departments in the Reich College of Education, offering programs that prepare students for employment in a wide variety of teaching, administrative and service roles, as well as employment or career advancement in business and industry.

Mission and Vision Statements


We are dedicated to developing and implementing transformational educational experiences. 

We aspire to create educational programs and develop research initiatives specific to emerging media, careers and leadership practices at the local, state, national and international level. 

We are committed to preparing all students to assume leadership roles in industry, community colleges, universities, public schools, public libraries and related settings. 

We do this by offering theory- and practice-based interdisciplinary programs of study that involve active scholarship, reflection, and professional discourse.


We seek to offer exceptional undergraduate and graduate programs that provide an inclusive, transformative learning environment that attracts, supports, and retains lifelong learners. We aspire to create and sustainably grow new and innovative degree programs, as well as engage in global leadership. In order to accomplish this, we strive to attract, support, and retain the highest quality faculty, staff and students who model exceptional leadership in all programs.   

Approved by MCL department on February 14, 2023.