Our undergraduate programs include 6-12 licensure program, which lead to initial employment (and licensure) in middle and high schools, as well as a program designed to provide the necessary workforce leadership and career skills needed to lead, educate and improve your profession. The media studies minor helps students to develop their technical and aesthetic skills. Our graduate programs include both K-12 master's licensure degrees for those seeking employment as a librarian, technology specialist, and school administration, and non-licensure programs preparing graduates for working in a digital media and communications.

Undergraduate Programs
Bachelor of Science Degree
Career and Technical Education
- Agriculture Education
- Business, Finance, and Information Technology Education
- Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurship Education
- Family and Consumer Sciences Education
- Technology, Engineering and Design Education
- Trade and Industrial Education
Organziational Leadership & Learning
Family and Consumer Sciences
Media Studies
Organizational Leadership and Learning - coming soon
Workforce Leadership and Development
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Apply to App State
Take your first step to becoming a Mountaineer by visiting our Admissions website
NOTE: When starting a new application, please select your appropriate student type and follow the steps on how to apply.

Graduate Programs
Master of Library Science Degree
Master of Arts Degree
Media, Technology, and Learning Design
Master of School Administration Degree
Graduate Certificate
Career and Technical Education
Digital Media Literacy
Instructional Technology Facilitation
Instructional Technology Leadership
International Leadership
Online Design, Communication and Engagement

Residency Licensure
A Residency License (RL) allows individuals to work as licensed teachers in North Carolina while they complete licensure coursework. Appalachian State University has developed graduate certificate programs to meet the Residency Licensure requirements. This department offers residency licensure for the following programs:
Connect with us
Request more information and receive email updates about App State's RCOE programs.
Let us know when you're interested in attending graduate school and we'll help guide you through the process.
Apply to Grad School
Visit the Cratis D. Williams Graduate School page to apply to graduate school at App State.
NOTE: When starting a new application, please select the appropriate application type and follow the steps on how to apply.