While attending high school, Ronda Eldreth received a "Certificate in Executive Secretary" at the Licking County Joint Vocational School. This certificate has allowed her to experience a myriad of jobs, including the legal field, insurance claims, and in accounting. It has also allowed her to work as an administrative assistant/office administrator.
Ronda strives to excel in whatever job she has. If possible, she tries to make a positive difference in the day of each individual she encounters. She enjoys learning and would like to continue her education by taking advantage of the courses available at App State. Her ultimate goal is to be in the accounting/tax/payroll department and retire from the University.
She is originally from Ohio. Go Bucks! And landed here in Ashe County when she married her husband, who is a graduate from App State 2001, with a mathematics and teaching degree. Go Mountaineers! They like to travel, read, simply enjoy each other, and most importantly laugh!
Title: Lead Administrative Assistant
Department: Department of Media, Career Studies, and Leadership Development
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-2243
Office address
204 BCollege of Education Building