- J.D., Duke University School of Law
- M.A., Duke University
- M.A.T.S., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
- B. A., Westminster College
Research and areas of interest: Education Law, Policy, Philosophy, and Ethics; Leadership and the Humanities; School Technology Law; Charter School Law and Policy.
Professional service: Legal consulting, instruction and policy development for traditional, charter, and independent schools; Education Law Association (member and articles contributor); Legal Consultant for the Association of Classical & Christian Schools (articles contributor); Center for Law and the Humanities (board member); N.C. Bar Association (member and Education Law Section officer); N.C. Alliance of Public Charter Schools (consultant and presenter); Alliance of Public Charter School Attorneys (member).

Title: Associate Professor, School Administration
Department: Department of Media, Career Studies, and Leadership Development
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-2613
Office address
212 ICollege of Education Building